Sunday, December 23, 2007

Doggies and Chandeliers

Zoey definitely loves her grandpas here in NC, but I think she'd rebel if we took away her new best friends - Gracie (the golden retriever in the pics above) and the light above the kitchen table. She can't get enough of either.

I can't say Zoey has "adjusted" to being down in NC, because she never was "unadjusted"; she just kept on doing her Zoey thing the whole time through. She's been a smiling, giggling, squirmy little bundle. The only difference for Z, and somewhat big news, is that she's graduated out of newborn size diapers. Bring on the size 1s!

Ellyn, Zoey and I would like to wish hearty congratulations to our friends Brian and Deb on the birth of their second daughter, Willow Eva, just yesterday. Zoey's going to have a great posse to run with, as soon as she, uh, can run. =)


Anonymous said...

She's so cute and SO little!!!! We love reading your updates! Congrats on moving up to size 1s!

roxrunner said...

Bonnie & Linnie - We can't believe the amount of hair on Zoey's head. What a cutie. We know that chandelier and doggie!