Sunday, March 9, 2008

Bananas, Tallyho!

A new weekend brings Zoey a new food: bananas. Our daughter must be part monkey, because before the first spoonful was even near her mouth, her kisser was opened wide, and she had her head leaning forward in anticipation. Zoey loves bananas.

The solids thing is going well, in general. We'll see how bananas work out for another 4 or 5 days, and then add in applesauce. At that point, we'll start mixing the fruit with the rice cereal, and then look out Dunkin Donuts, here Z comes!

We've also been putting Zoey in her rainforest jumparoo, and the little girl is going nuts for it. She start jumping back and forth, spinning around, trying to grab every toy at once. It's enthralling to watch this little creature discover her world, one plastic elephant and swirly crocodile at a time.

Rolling and scootching (spelling on "scootching?") are also current favorites, and El and I are constantly rescuing Z in her crib after she rolls over and forgets to bring her left arm along with her. Nobody likes having a hand stuck underneath them.

Have a great week everyone!.

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